Monday 5 December 2011

Well I'm Not Signing Mama Konate's Book of Condolence

Because I had to Google him three time before Bing reminded me that you don't spell his name Mama Konale. However I gather that he was involved in the Subsidiary Body For Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) as part of the COP/CMP process since Kyoto 1997 until his sudden death in Bonn in early November 2011.

Having no knowledge of the man or the manner of his death I would say that it was a French assassination in order to: Ruin the SBSTA; Re-ignite the arguments about the Rwandan genocide and issue a challenge about the death of Muammer Qaddafi. The commas around the Garry Speed "Suicide" are of course getting greater by the day. As for Socrates I'm pretty sure he was just making space.

Anyway it's around 01:44 GMT on Tuesday December 6th 2011 (6/12/11) and I have started catching up with the COP17/CMP7. However I have mainly been focused on drinking so the totally reversed sleep pattern thing is actually looking like a good idea for me.

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