Thursday 29 December 2011

Now That's a Good Feeling.

Due to Christmas falling on a Sunday this year (2011) I moved my gym routine from Monday, Wednesday, Friday to Tuesday and Thursday. While I may be lying about Wednesday this means that technically it was only 8 days from my last session. Sadly those 8 days were filled with drinking, smoking and eating so Tuesday (27/12/11) really hurt. Thursday (29/12/11) also hurt but while I've only got delayed onset muscle stiffness to look forward to I know I don't need to do that for another 72 hours.

At around 02:30 I do though feel the need to warn a local supermarket that I may be attempt to darken their door at some point in the daylight (30/12/11) provided the dark lets me sleep and the alarm clock lets me wake up.

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