Thursday 1 December 2011

That's a Little Disconcerting.

There I was about to send an abusive text message (sms) to a Manchester Utd fan I know about a certain football result yesterday (30/11/11) when I looked at my phone and I saw I'd missed a call from and international number. By running a reverse search I found out it was from a telemarketer in Manchester, UK who'd re-routed the call through South Africa probably to avoid being shutdown over some scam or another.

What was less disconcerting was spending the afternoon doing the final preparations for this court case tomorrow (2/12/11). Without going into too much detail I actually expect to turn up at the Royal Courts of Justice at around 10:00 to be told I've had a wasted journey because the hospital have withdrawn their application. Sadly though I know the result of this was set in stone months ago. Once again the Judge will disregard the evidence placed in front of them and find in the hospital's favour. Rumours of this will start circulating almost immediately and will be confirmed by me at around 13:00 - 14:00. Britian will then use this controversy to ask the World assembled at the COP17/CMP7 and the bilateral meeting with Nicholas Sarkozy in France to aggressively ask; "Well what are you going to do about it?!"

In a related development my brother will be attending the hearing tomorrow. As he has not sort permission to be joined as a party in the proceedings technically he shouldn't be allowed in. However I've no objection because I've told him numerous times that he needs to be joined as a party and I'm sure his degree in creative writing will have huge relevance to the complex medical question the court is being asked to decide.

Anyway I think it's time for me to go to bed now.

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