Sunday 11 December 2011

The United States Win COP17/CMP.

Some 36 hours after it was scheduled to end the COP17/CMP7 finally closed at around 08:00 GMT today (11/12/11) with some sort of deal being announced. The exact details of this deal won't be made public until around March of 2012. However from what I can gather it will see the European Union (EU) place it's own greenhouse gas emission targets within the legal framework of the Kyoto Protocol and establish a road map for other nations to do the same.

This deal will not meet the target of limiting a rise in global temperatures to 2C nor will it reverse global warming. What it has done though is create a clear division between two camps; The EU and developing nations who want to tackle the problem of global warming through a replacement for the Kyoto Protocol and nations like the US, the Gulf states and British Commonwealth who have no intention of doing anything about global warming and want the negotiation process to end.

This split will only become more pronounced as negotiations move to that graveyard of international negotiations Doha in Qatar for the COP18/CMP18 and the hope is they will collapse like the Doha round of World Trade Organisation (WTO) negotiations did.

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