Friday 9 December 2011

The EU Deal Has Been Done.

Rather quickly and painlessly the European Union has today (9/12/11) ratified the October 27th agreement on the future of the Eurozone. Britain obviously vetoed the treaty so it has been ratified by accord which 23 members including all members of the Eurozone signed up to. Apart from Britain the only hold outs were Hungary and Sweden and the Czech Republic who want to consult their Parliaments. The Czech Republic will probably agree while Sweden is less likely too. Hungary's position though remains a complete mystery to me and something I will have to research.

Edited at around 11:10 on 9/12/11 to add:

As a former Soviet bloc country Hungary's recent history has been shaped by the Soviet occupation and their ruling Fidesz Party started life as liberation movement. Therefore they lack the depth of experience in the nuances of democratic politics so seem to have been sold on the idea that opposing the October 27th is somehow striking a blow for liberty.

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