Sunday 15 November 2009

The Storm Clouds Have Cleared.

The sun has shone. The beer and whisky has flowed. That's right, today, yesterday and a little bit of tomorrow has been my birthday.

I'd like to pretend that I've celebrated wildly but sadly I haven't. The highlight of events was that while taking a train home, alone, on a Saturday night a stunning goth girl got on with her boyfriend so I had a bit of a lech. Sadly they spotted me which was a little bit embarrassing. I changed trains and there they were sitting opposite me again which was quite embarrassing. I changed trains for a third time and once again there they were sitting a few seats down quietly judging me which by then had got very embarrassing. To make matters worse when I got off the train at my final destination they got off with me meaning that they live really close by. Personally I'm just waiting for the warning posters to start appearing on lampposts all around my neighbourhood.

Anyway I'm now looking forward to next weekend when the party should begin in earnest and that's a dangerous thing to say when you're talking about heading down to Brighton.

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