Friday 6 November 2009

Harasment Update.

As has been previously discussed the Croydon network have recently been engaged in low level harassment against me. While the nature of this harassment has been more laughable then frighting I am in the process of reporting the matter to the police. I have yet to give the full details of the matter to the police so you'll excuse me if I don't expand on the details here.

The main reason for making report is that paranoia and feelings of persecution are a symptom of dementia. Therefore it would be difficult for Croydon Memory Service to argue that my grandmother is suffering from that symptom if the police agree that there are people out to get her.

While I only reported the matter to create a paper trail the police, after an early tantrum and some obvious conversations with their superiors, now seem very keen to investigate the complaint. This is because they hope to be able to investigate the matter as a case of Anti-Social Behaviour. This is currently a hot political issue in the UK. In order to deal with it the state has a vast range of highly intrusive powers such as Anti-Social Behaviour Orders, Acceptable Behaviour contracts and Councils can use the Regulatory Investigative Powers Act (RIPA) to spy on people accused of it. This investigative route will allow them to gather huge amounts of intelligence on the suspects who fit into the mysterious "Chav" demographic.

Obviously as the harassment follows from an attempted burglary I will be pressing for it to be investigated as the much more serious crime of attempting to intimidate a witness in a criminal investigation. However this matter is starting to get tedious so I may still be tempted to go down the RIPA route. If that happens all the suspect needs to do is claim that he was put up to offence by Croydon Council. Then it becomes a criminal investigation into the conduct of Croydon Council and the Croydon Borough of the Metropolitan Police.

With the football and the boxing I suspect the suspect is facing quite a tense weekend so we shall see how that plays out. I should make clear though that I will not be satisfied until the full network has been prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

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