Tuesday 24 November 2009

Man I've Got To Stop Doing This.

I've just got back from my grandmother's appointment with the memory service. This meant that I've spent the last two hours sitting around in a medical centre fiddling with one of those collapsible walking canes.

The police decided to help everyone prepare for the appointment by circling their helicopter over the house for a couple of hours last night. The idea being that sleep deprivation would cause my grandmother to be more confused leading to an over diagnosis. In the end it back fired because she was so over tired that she slept through the entire appointment leaving the memory service to conclude that she was sleep deprived and making the room easier for me to manage. As for the appointment itself they've diagnoses non-specific dementia related disorder which even in the vague world of mental health diagnosis is so vague as to be useless. They also appear to have backed away from research approach for the time being. This probably just an attempt to build up my confidence. However it could could also indicate that they've finally realised that conducting a research project into dementia on a patient whose dementia symptoms are inconsistent a best is not likely to be that fruitful. The next step they're discussing is a short period of respite care for my grandmother alongside an renewed attempt to introduce a cleaner / home help. These things are however still in the future and in play.

The only possible security risk I can think of is that they we're able to observe the interaction between my father and I for the period of about one hour. I don't think that's too major a problem and you'll notice I actually had to fight to give them that bonus. No doubt this will fill the Brits with a miss-placed confidence but a lack of arrogance has never really been their problem.

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