Friday 30 November 2012

Well I've Got a Hazy Week Ahead of Me.

Probably something to do with the fact I've broken my glasses. Well I actually broke them about three years ago but being unable to afford a new pair I've fixing them. That fix has now terminally failed so although I've got a spare pair the lenses are scratched to hell. As a result at some point over the next week I'll either have go to a metal stamping place for a new part or go to an opticians for a replacement pair. Either way it's going to put the issue of my eyesight onto the agenda for the second week on the COP18/CMP8. Personally I'm going with "If you grew up in my life you'd want to go blind too." Seriously I managed to escape my life for a few years and my eyesight actually improved.

As for the US you can throw around as much vinyl chloride as you like it's not going to distract from the fact that Pershing's actions were deliberate to show loyalty to hosts by accusing the UN youth program of paedophilia and promoting discussion about the use recording devices in closed meetings. Seriously it might be time for the delegation to leave because I'm not sure it's up to the high level segment.

15:55 on 30/11/12.