Friday 23 November 2012

I Really Must Meet Rihanna.

Seriously since she's forced herself into my life it's been a relentless assault on me and everyone and everything I value. That's despite me purposefully ignoring her in order to stop her getting dragged into my world and on the one time when the Chris Brown beating forced me to comment I even tried to run interference. So I really want to speak to her to see if she can explain where this deep hatred of me comes from.

Oh who am I kidding everybody knows it's Chris Brown she really despises. It's just growing up with a violent father she was conditioned to believe that is love and when you start tugging on that thread the whole thing will unravel. So no this isn't some great mystery. In fact if you work with abuse victims this is just another day at the office. Heck there isn't even any doubt left as to why Chris Brown's probation officer still hasn't done their job.

On the plus side though not going to the effort of biting my tongue means I'm feeling less stressed.

11:35 on 23/11/12.

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