Sunday 4 November 2012

Hypothermia Warnings Issued for New York.

With some 2.5 million households still without power following Super storm Sandy and night time temperatures dropping below freezing the Mayor of New York yesterday issued a warning to the cities residents about the dangers of hypothermia in a speech that can be read here;
The cities main response though has been to set up a series of day time warming centres that can be found here;

And night time shelters that can be found here;

Obviously the best advice is to use those shelters but failing that the best guide I've been able to find online about how to avoid hypothermia is this from WikiHow; which really can be summed up in four simple rules; Stay Dry, Stay out of the Wind, Avoid sleeping on the ground and Wear a hat.

As very few people in the affected areas have Internet access it would be useful if those who do print out this advice and pass it around as widely as possible. In fact it might helpful if the relief agencies could put together a short (2xA4) information pack including where to get help along with some basic advice such as how to avoid hypothermia and basic hygiene information. For example if you're living somewhere like Breezy Point where the water supply has been damaged and you don't have power to boil drinking water you can always purify it by added 8 drops of household (chlorine) bleach to every gallon of water and leaving it for 30 minutes. It will taste horrible but it won't kill you.

12:10 on 4/11/12.

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