Sunday 11 November 2012

The David Petaerus Resignation.

On Friday (9/11/12) the director of the US' Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) formally resigned about a week after everyone knew he was going to go. Basically the US intelligence community were absolutely certain that Mitt Romney was going to win the 2012 Election. So as Pataerus was an Obama appointment and by all accounts capable of actually doing the job the CIA made up a story about his biographer Paula Broadwell sending harassing emails. This triggered an FBI investigation that uncovered that Petaerus was having an affair with Broadwell forcing him to resign leaving the way open for President Romney to appoint a more pliant person to a role which is really more liaison between the CIA and Washington rather then actually having any influence over how the CIA operates.

The rest of the story is really just noise but the bit about emails and email security was designed to feed into the British scandal about the Schofield list and the BBC. Basically the fundamental and inexplicable (unless you're an MI5 sleeper) mistake the BBC Newsnight program made was to infer that Lord McAlpine was a paedophile without making even the most basic checks on the witness and his story. This proved a bit of a problem because the witness - Steven Messham - had previously cost the Private Eye magazine around £500,000 (USD800,000) in libel damages after making up a similar story and had been labelled by everyone (including his own lawyer) at the initial inquiry into paedophilia at the Wrexham children's home as a seriously unreliable witness. This all feeds back into my grandmother's Court of Protection (COP) case. The plan Britain and the US had cooked up for the COP17/CMP7 was that the first week would be dominated by me going through the hearing and the second week would be dominated by Britain claiming that I'd lost because I was an unreliable witness. However because it turns out espionage agencies aren't really that bothered by things like gagging orders everybody had already seen the case file so could tell that wasn't the case. Britain and the US are still desperate to know how exactly that happened and the Vatican have been going on about little else for the past year through their Popes Butler saga.

So yeah the US is now playing at the same level as the Vatican - a nation whose power and influence in indisputably in free-fall.

16:55 on 11/11/12.

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