Tuesday 20 November 2012

I'm Back From the Pub Early

Due to my grandmother's hospitalisation my father and I went early. Now everyone's just waiting to see if this Gaza ceasefire will take. Personally I doubt it because the Yanks have been trying their hardest to derail it in an effort to spread their cascade of fail across all of Africa. I think that's a shame really because there's never much dignity in war.

19:15 on 20/11/12

Edited at around 19:25 on 20/11/12 to add: The only good thing I've seen in this whole sorry Rihanna saga was the Annie Leibowitz evacuation at the end of the para-Olympics. Unfortunately it was the Yanks who made sure this didn't take and used the fact that Leibowitz is Jewish name (Avital Leibowitz is the IDF spokeswoman for example) to fuel this entire conflict in order to make all parties look like idiots. Now if the Yanks can hold their sh*t together for like five minutes I might get around to explaining the rest of it to them really slowly and with lots of pictures.

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