Wednesday 14 November 2012

Just When You Thought it Was Over.

Shattering the fragile peace that followed the weekend's fighting Israel has today launched airstrikes against 20 targets in Gaza killing at least 9 including Ahmed Said Kahili al-Jabri - founder member and military commander of Hamas. Obviously this is something that Hamas cannot let pass without a military response so it appears that Israel are deliberately provoking Hamas in order to use Hamas' retaliations as provocation for a much larger assault on Gaza while I'm distracted by this damn tour. That's a shame because having seen a small portion of the vast quantities of weapons Hamas have been receiving from Libya I could actually support Israel efforts to destroy some of their stockpiles. However my fear is that Israel will instead target senior Hamas personnel in an effort to decapitate the organisation. This is a problem because Hamas are the government of Gaza and therefore the ones who keep the peace. If Hamas are weakened that will likely lead to heavily armed chaos increasing attacks on Israel forcing Israel to make life much more difficult for Palestinians.

17:10 on 14/11/12.

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