Monday 5 November 2012

Quick bit of House Keeping.

I am now following the Governors of New York and New Jersey along with the Mayor of New York on Twitter. They shouldn't take this too personally because I'm only really using them as a bridgehead in order to expand out and find out exactly what's going on with the Sandy recovery. Unfortunately that's something I'm going to have to play with over the next couple of days so won't be yielding results until about Wednesday (7/11/12). I have to say though the two main priorities remain getting the power back on and getting the people who've been made homeless by the storm out of the weather. New York state is talking about 30-40,000 households being destroyed so unless they can get those people into trailers or hotels it might be time to start thinking about shipping them out of state because that will be a long term problem throughout the winter.

In other news I've been on to the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) and cancelled my appointment for Wednesday morning and they were actually quite reasonable about it. So it looks like my election night drinking binge is back on! Now all we need to do is find away for the Department of Justice to keep the Tea Party's thugs, er sorry 'election observers' on the leash and there might be a danger of democracy breaking out tomorrow because seriously predominately white mobs starting fights to keep predominately black voters out of polling stations I thought that went out with the Jim Crowe laws.

16:45 on 5/11/12.

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