Friday 2 November 2012

That Bloomberg's a Bit of a One Isn't He.

After actively supporting Mitt Romney throughout the election campaign by trying to force the issue of gun control onto the Presidential agenda New York Mayor Micheal Bloomberg yesterday (1/11/12) sensationally switched sides and threw his support behind Barak Obama. Sadly I think this is only an indication that Bloomberg now intends to do everything in his power to make sure that the recovery from Sandy goes as badly as possible in the hope that his failure will be projected onto Obama nationally helping Mitt Romney to win. So publicly endorsing the guy he wants to see lose. You wouldn't think it would be that easy to tie Bloomberg to Chavez and Castro but look I just managed it with out using the world "authoritarian" once.

Of course the fact that last comment is a reference to recent Republican ads in Florida means that if pressed Bloomberg will deny everything and try to claim he's only trying to promote discussion about vote rigging. Unfortunately his play ties in perfectly with the Republican Party's play which today has seen Republican owned voter machines in Ohio recording votes for Obama when the voter wishes to select Romney. This is simply an attempt by the Republicans to give the Tea Party enough of a claim of irregularity on both sides so it becomes harder for the Democrats to prove the widespread fraud that will help the Republicans steal the election. The US Justice department have responded by announcing they will be sending a election observers to a number of states including Texas and Ohio. In the meantime everybody else is just wondering why the US can't use the pencil and paper that has served all other democracies so well for hundreds of years.

I do though I have to say that I am now starting to get a little worried about New Jersey. That's because the state was the most hard hit by Sandy and it's geography - basically being a series of small islands - means that even with all the money and personnel in the world it will take the longest to recover. A winter storm is predicted to hit them in the middle of next week so if they haven't got power back on by then (7-10 days is a reasonable estimate) they are seriously going to have to start thinking about evacuating people. Fortunately this should have little to no impact on the election because you simply evacuate people according to electoral district and then allow them to vote at the evacuation centres.

The important thing to remember though is try not to panic because in my experience panicking only ever leaves you with the same problems just with less energy to deal with them.

20:50 on 2/11/12.

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