Friday 16 November 2012

Blimey the Children are Needy Tonight.

Fortunately BBC1 is hosting it's live "Children in Need" telethon tonight to help them. It's like "Comic Relief" only entirely for the benefit of British charities and well sh*t. Fortunately though it's only compulsory if you've got a BBC contract. To add tension to the evening today has seen the release of the results of elections for police and crime commissioners in which only around 10% of eligible voters took part most likely making it the lowest turnout of any UK election ever. Sadly I haven't a clue what a police and crime commissioner is either.

In other news the ill-conceived tour is tonight beginning it's European leg in Stockholm, Sweden. This puts it very nearly in my time zone making it very difficult to ignore. That's a shame because they've only done three trips on that plane and already the hashtag #777murder is beginning to circulate. Well at least it will be when I get around to it.

17:10 on 16/11/12.

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