Thursday 8 November 2012

This Would be so Much Better on the Phone.

And ideally should be done in person. However it's clear that the Kate Moss hint fell on stony ground so splashed up on the Internet it must go.

In the weeks following the para-Olympic closing ceremony Rihanna and I had something of a shared consciousness thing going on. If you've ever picked up the phone to call someone only for it to suddenly ring and it's that person calling you you'll know exactly what this is. It's actually quite common amongst people in close relationships such as sharing a home and people who have just gone through an intense emotional experience together. That's because if you have people thinking about the same problems at the same time it's quite likely their thoughts will occasionally coincide. During the Cold War both the USA and the USSR spent small fortunes researching shared consciousness as a way to run spies in order to reduce of them being uncovered by removing the need for them to physically meet up with their handler. Although this research did establish that the phenomenon exists it was always found to be a bit more miss then hit.

Although amongst nations that haven't spent millions researching shared consciousness this obviously perpetuates the myth that Rihanna somehow controls the weather through some sort of psychic power it was actually a bit of a laugh. Then Chris Brown turned up. A significant way in which Brown has engineered his reunion with Rihanna has been to get her to play about with this shared consciousness thing as a way to try and control me. For the most part this involved things like trying to wake me up in the middle of the night but also included the just and righteous war against the current UK season of X-Factor. This is actually a well established mentalist trick which is frequently used by con artists. By placing the victim in the role of the puppet master they gain a sense of power and control which boosts their confidence and distracts them from the fact they're actually the one being manipulated. UK viewers of the recent "Derren Brown: Apocalypse" special would have seen something very similar where the victim of the stunt was given a young black girl to take care of in order to prevent him questioning the rather ridiculous proposition that he was one of only a handful of survivors after the earth had be struck by meteorites.

Matters really came to a head though this past weekend when Brown joined Rihanna on a short holiday to Barbados. Apart from having one last crack at the US election Brown's handlers arranged this through the recording of Rihanna's album in the hope that the scandal would attract professional attention to Rihanna's forthcoming, and by my reckoning ill-conceived, 777 tour and Brown's much longer upcoming tour. On the African leg especially Brown's safety and security is already becoming an inter-governmental issue although I'm not sure why because the last time I checked he doesn't have formal diplomatic status. For his part Brown was desperate to make the trip in order that he would be glued to Rihanna's side while my relationship with her and my opinion of their relationship was called into sharp focus by provoking me into a slanging match. His hope was that this would allow Brown to gain much more information about how Rihanna thinks and the allegations against him. This would allow him to be better able to control Rihanna for example by making sure his carefully rehearsed "Oh baby I've changed!" lines more likely to press exactly the right buttons.

As I like to think the best of people up until this point I had actually been giving Brown the benefit of the doubt over the 2009 beating. However this pattern of behaviour along with the New York nightclub incident which could be tried as a rape offence in the UK has left me convinced that Brown is an extremely predatory and dangerous individual. As this comes after some three years of rehabilitation it seems very likely that this behaviour is pathological rather then being the result of immaturity. This means that even with hospitalisation and years of intensive cognitive therapy it is extremely unlikely that he will change. The fact that he isn't actually particularly good at this manipulative behaviour massively increases the risk he will become frustrated putting Rihanna at a high risk of further physical violence. Even without physical attacks the relationship with Brown is already clearly having a negative effect on Rihanna. Over this last month I have watched opportunity after opportunity go up in smoke and although it's small and almost imperceptible at this point you can already see Rihanna's world starting to shrink. That's because I'm clearly not the only one beginning to ask themselves whether they can be bothered to put up with the person Rihanna becomes when she is with Brown.

So I think the only question left is why Brown's probation officer has not yet intervened and at the very least re-instated the restraining order although 1 year in prison has also been suggested. That is because it seems to me that everybody in the business knows exactly what's going on except for the one person whose opinion actually matters and you can already hear her defensive walls going up.

16:40 on 8/11/12.

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