Friday 18 June 2010

Slight Problem.

After yesterdays fun and games I have to report that the Brits have still got a lot of fight left in them for the Court business. They're just waiting for the world cup to be over.

Apparently Green is playing tonight and Big Brother is doing it's first eviction show tonight. The full report on the housemate that calls herself "Sunshine" will take a long time to write because she is an absolute spinner. One of the stories you may have heard about Yvette (pronouced: 'e-Vet) is that she suffered serious bulimia while at medical school studying to be a doctor. This is pretty similar to my sisters story. My sister turned up this afternoon just as the Germany V Serbia game began and left just as it finished. I've now found out that Serbia beat Germany 1-0. USA v Slovenia ended 2-2 meaning Slovenia top the group with 4pts.

Also my father has yet to work out that if he pisses me about for an hour while I'm trying to cook his dinner then his dinner gets delayed for an hour.

Edited to add after being forced to rehearse this for 2 hours I forgot my line. The 'e-Vet element of Sunshine translates into to Britain as "Die students Die!!"

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