Monday 21 June 2010

Oh Don't be so Silly!

There won't be criminal investigation because there is absolutely nothing to support to accusation I am a paedophile. It's just one of those things the Brits come out with to justify their behaviour. According to them I am also an Islamic and Catholic terrorist, a rapist and a murderer who is suffering, at last count, full blown AIDS, diabetes, liver failure and kidney failure. I have to say that I don't follow the logic of why any of these gives the Brits the justification to drive my grandmother into bankruptcy so a local landlord can buy up her property cheap. After all if I was the problem shouldn't they be going after me rather then my grandmother

The Jon Venebles case itself is actually quite interesting in an unpleasant sort of way. Back in 1993 Jon Venebles then aged 11 was convicted of the murder of a 2 year old boy named James Bulger. Obviously the case shocked the nation and Venebles was sentenced to a minimum of 10 years in prison. After his release in 2003 Venebles was kept under the tight supervision of the probation service which involved being given a new identity, police protection, daily meetings with a case worker and frequent searches of his home. Somehow under all this supervision he was able to access and distribute child pornography. The rumour at the time was that he was being trained up to become one of the Brits stable of pet paedophiles. Like the Brits pet burglars these pedophiles are kept on hand in case the Brits need to intimidate someone or create a shocking news story.

So the problem the Brits have with me and paedophilia is that I'm not one. That means I have less in common with them then they'd like.

On a more pleasant topic did you see the Portugal V North Korea game? Ronaldo's goal has to be seen to be believed. It was so good that that even the North Korean goalkeeper couldn't help but smile as it went in.

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