Sunday 20 June 2010

The England Team Press Conference.

The England football team have just held their first press conference since Friday's pathetic game against Algeria. Apparently the entire England team will be holding a full meeting to discuss the what the problem was. The order from the Brits is that "All Players Must Give Their View On The Situation!!!!!"

This has nothing to do with football as is a reference to the dinner I will be having this evening with my father, grandmother and brother. Here we will decide if my brother wishes to be be joined as a party to this Court process and whether he wishes to contest it. My brother has no legal training whatsoever. Nor does he have any knowledge of the Mental Capacity Act 2005. Therefore he has nothing to contribute to a proceeding that asks a specific question about the application of a technical aspect of that law.

The problem is that he has got to go to work on Monday and his workmates will punish him for not subjecting his grandmother to a long, traumatic and expensive legal process.

If you're looking for gambling opportunities there are odds available on whether he'll actually turn up. Yes it's going to be a fun day.

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