Sunday 20 June 2010

The Group C Secret.

Seeing as most people have worked it out by now I may as well tell the full story.

I don't know if it was by accident or design but Group C in the World Cup is politically very interesting. It is made up of;

  • United States of America. Under the leadership of George W Bush the USA set up Guantanamo Bay and secret prisons at Bagram airbase in Afghanistan where torture was practiced.
  • Algeria. This is a country that doesn't so much torture prisoners but has turned torture into a fine art.
  • England. I believe that I've commented on how ethically they go about things once or twice before
  • Slovenia. It is rumoured that during the Bush years the CIA set up secret "black" torture prisons in Slovenia in order to do the things they couldn't get away with in Guantanamo or Bagram.
That sort of makes Group C the group of torture which politically no-one wants to win. England were first to work this out so decided to do everything they could to make sure the USA won the group. This was to send out the message to the world that the USA is bad and England are good. After all it's not like the British invented concentration camps during the Boer war or anything.

Unfortunately the idea has spread like a virus throughout the world cup and a number of European nations like France, Spain, Portugal and Italy are following England's example and are trying very hard not to win their games with no idea why. That shouldn't detract in anyway from New Zealand's draw with Italy. Although I'm sure the Italian's could have played better I'm not sure they could have broken down a good New Zealand defence.

Oh and the fact that I'm been sitting around thinking about this, watching football and cooking dinner should tell you that today has been almost totally stress free. It might warm up a bit over dinner but I've certainly got the capacity for that. And just for the record the Brits will have zero access to that dinner so any statement they make about it is probably going to be a lie.

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