Monday 14 June 2010

Jock Stirrup Steps Down.

Over the weekend the head of the UK armed forces, Jock Stirrup left his post by mutual consent. I didn't mention this at the time because it's more symbolic then important.

The thing you have to remember about the different branches of the armed forces; the Army, Airforce and the Navy is that they're very good a fighting. Mainly between themselves in order to secure the most funding. Stirrup is an airforce man and will probably be replaced by an army man. The purpose of this is so the new, Conservative government can send the message that it is breaking the link with the policies of the previous Labour government and that it will be make funding the land war in Afghanistan a priority at the strategic defence review. However with the nations fiances being what the are whether that will actually happen is still a matter for debate.

Elsewhere in the UK today ex-England footballing legend Paul Gascoigne has been involved in a minor road accident and a GP involved in the Baby P case has been accused of missing an opportunity to admit the child the hospital. I think this means that the current debate amongst the Brits is whether they can have me locked up in a secure psychiatric facility or just kill me. I don't think their weekend went well.

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