Monday 23 June 2008

You're getting at least two posts today you lucky, lucky people.

This evening I've got that much hyped meeting with the local charity. This would cause a degree of suspense but in case you didn't notice the omens from Zimbabwe have already made it quite clear this meeting is going nowhere. This does of course raise the question of why British Intelligence lacked the where with all to lie seeing as it's what they do best.

The big news of the morning is that the Doctors treating Amy Winehouse have announced that although she has a life threatening infection that needs to be cleared she will flourish just as long as she stops smoking.

Ignoring the fact that Amy Winehouse ceased being a useful allegory in November 2007 and since then has been nothing more then a shining example of what the state does best I'm uplifted by this news. Uplifted but concerned because I would really like the opportunity to see her preform before I put much faith in the gin lane talk.

I mean I would hate to think that this whole thing is being run on the principle of Schrodinger's cat whereby she can be considered both gloriously alive and horrifically dead at the same time provided nobody's allowed to open the box to check one way or another.

It's a shame then that her people can't talk to my people so my people can then sit me down and explain how things are going. It's a real shame because this sort of contact would go along way to convince me that despite all the evidence to the contrary the British State can achieve even the smallest success. It might even give my people the angle they require to squeeze little bits of information out of me.

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