Thursday 5 June 2008

Just out of interest how do you know when your government wants you to kill someone?

I only ask because as you may know by now, I think I've mentioned it once or twice I have this little situation with an unfortunate young lady and a rather ineffective local charity organisation. As this situation was the results of an ill-conceived plan by someone not in full possession of the facts it is clearly not working. It is not working for me, it is not working for the government, it is not working for the organisation and it is not not working for the young lady concerned.

Obviously then this situation cannot be allowed to carry on for much longer. Sadly though due to limitations placed upon me the only way I can envisage me resolving this situation is through a quick, clean kill. As this step is morally unacceptable to me and totally at odd with a society I want to be a part of I have handed the responsibility to solving the situation on to the people who created it, the government.

I have taken this step because due to it's strength relative to me the government have a multitude of less violent solutions open too them.

For example they can offer the young lady a new, better job elsewhere which is better suited to her personality and qualifications. Of course this means the young lady will still represent a burden on the taxpayer but as the government thinks it is perfectly acceptable for the young lady to be a burden to the taxpayer in her current position I can only conclude this is considered something of a civilised solution in government circles.

The government could compel the organisation to move the young lady to another post within it's area of operations.

The government could also compel the organisation to terminate the young ladies employment. I know this seems a little harsh but if you understood the situation as I understand it (a step the government seem absolutely desperate to take) you would understand this is actually quite a humane act because it would allow the young lady the opportunity to address the issue of why she seems to need such a high level of government support to secure employment.

If the government is really at a loss to find a more creative solution, and I fear it may well be, it could simply tie the organisation down to the point that it's activities are distilled down to the one simple process of defending this young ladies employment.

As yet the government has refused to take any of the options that are available to them and as by now they must've realised that the situation cannot be allowed to fester I take only take their failure to act as an order that they wish for this young lady to be killed.

I have to say I am very disappointed by this news because if violence is all the government can conceive of then violence is all our society will ever have.

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