Tuesday 3 June 2008

So today must be Tuesday.

Personally I would never have noticed apart from the fact my internet connection has been down all day.

This meant that I've spent all afternoon dodging questions from my increasingly harrassed father before going out to a pre-arranged dinner with that same father. During the course of my drunken evening we discussed many of the key news issues of the day including the Max Mosley story (apparently one of the alleged prostitutes was the wife of a serving MI5 officer, go figure) and the story of Gazza's ever increasing decline.

Also showing up on the radar was the anti-terror bill, hillary clinton and Mugabe's speech at the UN but that only really provided a backdrop to an ongoing text-message dicsussion between me, my mother and my sister as to my sister's living relationship over the next year.

As that all came to an end I discovered that the old internet connection was suddenly availible again but as you may have realised at this point I am far to drunk .

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