Wednesday 18 June 2008

Sorry about yesterday it appears I forgot to grovel.

I should also apologise for the four British Soldiers that were killed in Afghanistan. Although I don't know where they were killed, how they were killed or have any contact with the people that killed as far as the British State is concerned I will have to wear the responsibility for their deaths.

Obviously if that were the case I would expect them to arrest me, charge me and put me on trial but they won't because that would only serve to underline the fact that it is more their fault then it is mine. Instead they're going to hide behind their extra-legal methods which will cause me more cruel and unusual punishment.

Today I went and handed my forms into the Department of Work and Pensions where I learned that despite all the help and co-operation I gave last time I went through the process the process has changed not one bit. This can only lead me to conclude one of two things;
Either the government has no interest in improving this country and secretly want to run it into the ground OR this current system of passing information across ineffective ciphers just isn't working.

I also learnt another interesting thing that there is no legal requirement for me to undergo a "return to work interview" or a "medical assessment" because the infamous "Decision Maker" can make their decision purely on the documentation already in my file and the report of the doctors currently treating me. If the government decides that it wants to take that sensible option then the whole thing will be resolved in just under three weeks. This can be cut to two days if they decide my case receives the "Special attention" which it normally attracts.

Sadly though they won't be going for that option though because they're still operating under the misguided impression that I will be bringing something vaguely resembling a game to either of those meetings and they will be able study that game to make sure that even more people are refused benefits they are entitled too.

I won't be prepared to do that though because it would represent a clear breach of the pay first:work second credit agreement I've been forced to sign the British Government up to after a generation of acting as a bad debtor.

Of course people will claim that now I've stated that position my life will become more difficult. This simply isn't true because over the last two years I've been told time and time again that once a state plan has been put into motion it is like a runaway train and nothing that anybody says or does can stop it crashing into a fiery wreck. So either nothing I say or do know will have any effect on the situation or the state has been lying for two years.

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