Tuesday 24 June 2008

So it turns out I'm at a bit of a loose end this week.

To regular readers that should come as no great surprise but this week was meant to be different. This week I was meant to have a whole host of things to get my teeth into. The most important of which was to be Zimbabwe's election because despite what the Great British lie machine says I'm not yet so fucked up by the game I can't tell the difference between right and wrong. It's just a shame that on that point I appear to be something of a minority.

In preparation for Friday I should at this point be doing research for a game plan the details of which you will excusing for me going into detail over as some elements may still be put to use.

So while my comments against Mr Tsvangari on Sunday were made with blood in the eyes and therefore needlessly harsh I can't help but feeling he blinked at the wrong moment. If I bear some responsibility for that I accept it but I feel that British Intelligence should shoulder at least some of the burden because it could have all been avoided if they'd been prepared to tell a simple lie rather then stick to their "conditions impossible" rhetoric. That strategy was especially disappointing because the meeting yesterday proved that conditions are in fact so far from being impossible it would require someone to actively destroy evidence to prevent them from being met.

Now the other big event of the week was that my Grandmother was scheduled for surgery on Thursday. While it was only going to be a hip replacement there is no such thing as major surgery on a 87 year old. As I mentioned before rather then being carried out at a local hospital it was due to be carried out at a regional centre quite a distance away. All this meant the words of the week were set to be "fluid" and "flexible" especially as next week could have been spent arranging an funeral. Yesterday, amid the chaos, we got a phone call informing us that the surgery would have to be postponed because they'd discovered a heart murmur so I guess those eight months of dehydration had a price tag after all.

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