Thursday 5 June 2008

Well the telephone gods are pissed of with me.

Sorry for the old two posts in one day but when a company your father had done a lot of business with in the past starts giving you silent phonecalls at 10pm clearly certain sections of the community are finding are the pace of the game slightly beyond them.

In the interests in finding out exactly what their problem is I think it's only fair I reveiw the major news stories of the day.

The first of which is a statement by the head of the British army who feels that traffic wardens are better treated then soldiers because by his working out soldiers get paid around £13,000 per year and traffic wardens get £17,000 per year. This comes as news to me because when I was working as a traffic warden I was getting paid just under £13,000 per year and that was based on a 70 hour week where I was paying higher rate tax and having to pay my own rent, pay my own food bills, pay my own gas bills and pay my own electricity bills, something you don't have to do if you're living in barracks. Also I do honestly think that I can statistically argue that more people have been shot on the streets of London then they have in the airport barracks at Basra.

I do think it is more important though to point out that the young lady from my previous post is getting paid just under £20,000 per year based on a 9-5 Monday to Friday.

The other major story of the day is that UK and US diplomats have been detained in Zimbabwe. The UK and US government have blown up a load of steam about how Mugabes repressive regime is breaching the Vienna convention. Zimbabwe's government has responded by stating that the diplomats detained were in fact distributing election material for the opposition. Given of the tone of the UK and US government denial of that statement I can only conclude that behaving undiplomatically and campaigning for the MDC was exactly what those diplomats were doing. Sorry if that's unpopular but that's my honest opinion.

Also I've received a letter from that rather suspicious charity informing me that they voted on my compliant on June 2nd and they wish to "discuss their findings with me". This does not bode well because if their vote was fair and accurate there is no need for further discussion they merely need to issue a letter of apology and sign a cheque to settle the issue of defamation out of court.

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