Monday 16 June 2008

That was a bit of a wasted afternoon.

I was meant to go and see my Occupational Therapist this afternoon but she phoned up to cancel because she needs more time to come to the conclusion that the only option for me to move forward with my treatment has been taken away by state violence.

I have to say I was a bit disappointed because I was hoping she use the time as an opportunity to explain to me why it's in any ones best interests for me to avoid taking an option that will work in favour of throwing my life away to act as an unpaid guinea pig in a government experiment that was based on a false assumption.

There's another appointment due in July hopefully by which time the government has decided that it wants to ratify the treaty although at the moment their position seems to be an unshakable "We think Sadie will save the day" which to me at least sounds akin to "We want failure, we want failure!"

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