Tuesday 10 June 2008

Well call me John because I'm free

That was despite the police popping round to ask me to help them break into a neighbours house because apparently a local young girl might be forced of this mortal coil.

The main issue of they day though was my emergency psychiatric assessment. The key lines of dialougue from that event were;

Q. "Don't you think it's her choice where shes works?"

A. "No I think it's her employers."


Q. "Are you the sort of man that will hold a grudge or can you move on?"

A. "If I'm allowed to move to on there's no grudge for me to hold."

So to continue in the theme of stating the blindingly obvious no I didn't get sectioned. It was rather intresting though to realise that they were still holding out hope that they will be provide a viable alternative that will meet criteria they neither know nor understand.

Now I'm just sitting here watching the Home Officer McNulty debate the counter terrorism bill and it's looking like a filibuster.

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