Friday 20 July 2012

Yeah I'm Getting There.

The good news from today's (20/7/12) theatre shooting in Colorado is that you can now walk into a shopping mall anywhere in north America safe in the knowledge that you won't bump into Jessica Redfield. This aspiring journalist was killed in today's shooting and also had the misfortune to get caught up in the Toronto gangland shooting in Eaton shopping mall on June 2nd (2/6/12). I bet she won't be blogging about this one though.

Also details of the alleged shooter has emerged. He's been named as James Holmes. A 24 year old white male natural born American biomedical college drop out. He has also apparently told local police that he was "The Joker" from the Batman trilogy of films. If I was forced to diagnose him based on nothing more then a mugshot I would say he is sane under M'Naughten rules but suffers from strong narcissistic personality traits. I know this is almost exactly the same as Anders Bearing Breivik off of the Norway shooting but that's the problem with narcissists. They're the sort of people who'll look at the Norway shooting and think; "What a good idea."

It also means that if you really want to spite him you simply need to ignore.

For example you could take an interest in truly awful football like we are in the UK. This afternoon that world renowned euphemism for lesbianism Team GB's women's football team played a dull 0-0 draw with Sweden. Fortunately conditions were moist and it was a double header with the men's team playing Brazil sort of now. So we are all playing the sexual innuendo game. Long may it last.
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone on O2

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