Friday 27 July 2012

On No! Facebook Got There First.

Seriously they lost about USD100million on their IPO.

Anyway at around 23:50 on 27/7/12 the Olympic Cauldron has been lit. After a significant number of pounds being staked on either Sir Steve Redgrave and Roger Bannister both on evens the cauldron was lit by a group of children who all touched their torch to what looked like a witch burning bonfire at the same time. The "bonfire" then rose up and ignited the cauldron. Therefore no-one can really tell which individual lit the cauldron. Sorry about that but this economic recovery's not going to pay for herself.

If I had to name the entity that finally lit the cauldron and will keep it lit for the next two weeks three days I would say "British Gas" and I think I can safely be loud about this now because well we always got TeamUSA. As I've now opened the third bottle of red there is a good chance I may write up my personal views of the Olympic opening ceremony. However because 2022 is going to be a scorcher there is little chance the will make sense.

23:55 on 27/7/12.

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