Thursday 19 July 2012

Operation Ostrava: Month 17, Week 2, Day 6.5

In an effort to prevent delay a vote on a Russian resolution at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) that would extend the mandate of the United Nations Supervision Mission In Syria (UNSMIS) by 90 days Britain is refusing to participate in pre-vote negotiations. Therefore it is unlikely there will be a vote until tomorrow (20/7/12).

In a further effort to block the Russian resolution Britain is also proposing a technical rollover that would see the UNSMIS mandate extended by a further 30 days without the need for a UNSC vote. This would mean that there would need to be another UNSC vote on the matter before August 19th (19/8/12). This will be in the middle of the para-Olympics and the negotiations would most likely have to start in the final week of the Olympic games.
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone on O2

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