Thursday 26 July 2012

The Latest Jackson Family Scandal.

Despite the fact that the email on my Torch is still not working I've already emailed this in through a web-based email address but it hasn't appeared. There is an outside chance that it's being legitimately held up in the email system so I apologise if I repeat myself. However like the problem with the Blackberry email address this is most likely just someone trying to make my life difficult which is a shame because it means I can't tell you what I know about the charges in the Charles Haywood case.

Anyway. In the last few days the family of the late singer Micheal Jackson have been involved in some sort of family squabble. I've not been following in detail but yesterday it led to the adult son of Tito Jackson being granted temporary legal guardianship of Micheal Jackson's three children amid rumours that their existing guardian Katherine Jackson (Micheal's mother) is being held against her will to prevent her having contact with the children. This gives the story strong elements of grandmothers, deprivation of liberty and legal guardianship which is very similar to lasting powers of attorney. Therefore the scandal is a USA attempt to force my grandmother's case on to the Olympic agenda which is something of a wet dream for the Brits. On the plus side though at least it shows that African-Americans can share Anglo-Saxon values.

If you missed that story prior to starting his visit to Britain, Poland and Israel Republican Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney told a meeting of veterans of foreign wars that Barack Obama didn't understand Anglo-Saxon values. That was a not so subtle way of nudging white Americans of a certain age in the ribs and whispering; "You see that Obama guy, he's black you know. Black."

The only good thing about that was it gave me the opportunity to read a really funny Tweet. Someone just said; "Romney's right, Obama doesn't understand Anglo-Saxon values. After-all he's been President for four years and not succumbed to Norman invasion once."

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