Friday 27 July 2012

I So Need to Teach the Foxes About Wagner.

Wow at around 22:30 that sounds like the opening arguments a serious noise complaint. However I think we can at least agree that act 4 was only mildly less schizophrenic then my iPod on shuffle. Act 5 of course ended with British pop star/microbiology drop-out Emile Sande singing that old soldiers hymn "Abide With Me."

In other news the London Critical Mass ended up getting a bit large. I should explain that on the last Friday in every month since about 1995 a group of cyclists have met together in central London in order to go on a cycle ride in which by their shear number they no longer feel threatened by motorists. Through various lenghty and expensive court cases it's been established that Critical Mass has no organisers and is a traditional procession and therefore is exempt for public order laws. The flaw in this plan is the in recent weeks provocative people have been suggesting that the July 2012 Critical Mass could be hijacked as a way to protest the Olympics. So rather predictably July 2012 Critical Mass decided to make it's way to the Olympic Park followed by a vast number of police vehicles which blocked the roads apparently holding up David Beckham on his way to the opening ceremony.

And yes at around 22:40 on 27/7/12 I'm on the big computer and wondering if Fallujah 2 has started yet or whether ol' Bashar is succumbing to the peer pressure.

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