Sunday 29 July 2012

That Would a No Then.

Originally emailed in under the title; "Well it is the British Olympics

So I think it's time for a for a cup of tea before I check to see if this email has got through. I should point out that on this handset both RIM and Microsoft are pointing the finger of blame at Google.

17:45 on 29/7/12."

18:20 I only mention that because while I was sitting out in the Black Lion the police sent a helicopter over to check the microphone was still working. If I didn't know better I would say that the problem on this handset is the big, bad CIA calculating that because both my father and I have significant Internet addictions limiting us to just one PC would be a good way to raise the tension and start a fight. In other news has anyone seen how well Italy are doing in the Olympic medal tables. So well in fact that one of their Embassy staff in Yemen has been kidnapped. So when the Israelis say they live in a really rough neighbourhood they're only half lying.

On a completely unrelated note I think I've chanced upon a solution to the empty Olympic seats drama. You simply do what they do at the Oscars. That is to say you bring in large groups of school children/youth sports clubs and use them as seat-fillers. That way if a VIP turns up half-way through or wanders off in the middle the seat-fillers can at least get to see some of it. I have to say though that I am still rather worried about having large groups of children hanging around the VIP sections because of the Saudis. You see the local police have already set up a giant children's play pen in Hyde Park across the road from their hotel as a sort of warning that even diplomatic immunity has it's limits. The Jordanians have reacted angrily by sarcastically setting up a refugee camp for Syrian refugees.

As for transport worries on the first working day of the Olympics I think the simpliest way of doing it is this;

Welcome Olympic visitors the Central Line (the red one) on the London Underground will be closed between 06:00 local and 10:00 local and 16:00 local and 19:00 every Monday to Friday for the duration of the games..

18:30 on 29/7/12.

Edited at around 18:40 to add the words "Hyde Park."

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