Sunday 22 July 2012

Operation Ostrava: Month 17, Week 3, Day 2.

This morning (22/7/12) a strange angry yellow thing appeared in the sky so I could have been more productive. So I promise I'll try and do a full round up of the last weeks events in Syria. Then the day after I'll do a full round up of the Libya election.

However apparently the funny story that's doing the rounds is how the Saudi Irregular Army (SIA) captured a customs post on the Iraq border. According to Shia sources the SIA captured 23 Syrian soldiers and then executed them along with their lt-general whose arms and legs they cut off before allowing him to bleed to death. Personally I'm just surprised that we've yet to see one of those 'funeral processions' mowed down by one of those helicopter gunship. After all at least one of those things is allowed by the current rules of engagement.

Oh and at around 17:35 my brother's turned so it looks like we're going to be making the media paranoid. Seriously the plan is for him to sit on one side of the room looking at Twitter on his phone while I sit on the other side of the room looking at Twitter on my phone
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone on O2

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