Friday 20 July 2012

Too Soon?

As of around 14:55 on 20/7/12 the death toll from today's mass shooting in Aurora, Denver, Colorado, USA has fallen to 12 from 14. 50 people remain classed as wounded. I'm guessing it's still a bit too soon to start making jokes about it. Mainly because I can't think of any.

The incident though is clearly going to be a major issue in the 2012 Presidential campaign. This is because the thing it reminds me of most is the 1999 shooting at the Columbine High School which is around 15miles away from Aurora. Although 1999 was a bit before my time I seem to remember that both sides of the political divide suggested hundreds of different causes including movie violence. The only thing that they agreed on though was that it showed that there was something deeply wrong with American society. Also during the 2008 campaign someone released a mock campaign poster portraying Barack Obama as the "Joker" character from the first of the "Batman" trilogy of films. Mayor Bloomberg of New York has fired the opening salvo by demanding to know where both of the candidates stand on gun control. However this is because New York is currently having it's own specific problems with what are generally illegally held firearms.

Therefore there is an absolutely outside possibility that this could be something more organized but I am almost totally convinced it was just someone who was having a very bad day deciding to inflict it on everybody else.
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone on O2

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