Monday 18 July 2011

You Couldn't Make it Up.

Today (18/7/11) one of several assistant commissioners of London's Metropolitan Police, John Yates resigned over the phone hacking scandal. This is only worth a mention because it has led to the promotion of Cressida Dick. You might remember this name because Ms Dick was the ranking officer who mistakenly identified Jean Charles De Menezes as a suicide bomber and ordered him shot and killed at Stockwell Underground Station in 2005. She is perhaps one of the most aptly named police officers in the entire force.

Also today the leader of the opposition, the Home Secretary, the shadow Home Secretary and the Mayor of London all made speeches giving their reaction to yesterday's resignation of Sir Paul Stephenson. This is only worth noting because not one of them mentioned that Sir Stephenson has been suffering from cancer for about a year so his resignation was really on health grounds rather then anything to do with the phone hacking scandal. He is to be replaced by Sir Tom Godwin who was the acting commissioner who over saw the pre-Royal wedding crackdown while Sir Stephenson was on leave receiving medical treatment.

I should also point out that on Saturday (16/7/11) apart from shouting for help my grandmother also spent about eight hours banging her walking stick against the ground. Funnily enough she woke up the next day to find that her hand was all bruised and swollen. As this type of bruising normally lasts for 3-5 days it was still there today so my father sent for a doctor to examine her. As usual the doctor chose to ignore the obvious and diagnosed the bruising as being the result of an invisible insect bite and blamed her altered mental state on a urinary infection but did concede that this would require a urine test to confirm. So today my father and the doctor spent about an hour literally discussing the best way to take the piss.

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