Friday 15 July 2011

I Come Bearing Depressing News.

It's 22:44 on Friday July 15th 2011 and I'm not nearly drunk enough.

Slightly more importantly then that pretty much as I was writing my previous post the Libya Contact Group met in Turkey. With the backing of the United States they formally recognised the Libyan rebel's Transitional National Council (TNC) as the official government of Libya. In this instance the word "government" is hugely important because it gives the TNC control of Libya's Sovereign Wealth Fund. Or it will do just as soon as the war ends because until then the TNC are represented by Qatar. Now I'll accept that I'm a little drunk but if I sobered up a bit I'm sure I'd find the time to prove that Qatar have already done rather a good job of taking the money promised to the Libyan rebels and then pissing it straight up a wall.

Now as for the first problem I'm confident that it can be solved by drinking that vodka miniature I brought last Thursday. As for the second problem I'm pretty sure I explained it in more detail in my previous post.

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