Wednesday 13 July 2011

Explosion in Boston.

In a story that will develop overnight British police have just (22:30 on 13/7/11) announced that five men have been killed in a explosion at an industrial park in Boston, Lincolnshire. As you might remember Lincolnshire police are the police force that appeared on national television on Monday (11/7/11) telling everyone how to make improvised incendiary devices.

So this is Britain's way of asking anyone who's interested but particularly the Americans if when the Brits blow up #50 Beechwood killing the occupants would they mind if I was arrested for the crime. Of course the best advice for the Americans would be to just ignore it. However if they want to do me a favour they could use it as an opportunity to remind the Brits that they have no other option then to convict the Notting Hill Housing Trust for a statutory nuisance and impose a closure order on #50 Beechwood.

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