Thursday 14 July 2011

Just For The Record.

Nero actually played the bagpipes on account of the fiddle not actually being invented until about 1300 years after his death. Or to put it another way today (14/7/11) has been something of a trivial day in which I got my haircut, picked up a few things at the supermarket and cleaned the bathroom. So as far as I'm concerned any of today's announcements of pronouncements about the phone hacking scandal are nothing but idle gossip.

The only thing I should mention is that my grandmother's hallucinations are continuing and being made much by my father who's doing things like insisting she calls my mobile phone at around 16:20. Pretending all this is some big and unexpected crisis my father decided to ambush me with this over dinner. So I simply and calmly explained to him that if a patient is suffering from drug induced hallucinations and you're not prepared to take them off the drugs that are causing the hallucinations there's not really anything that can be said or done. After that conversation ended as quickly as it had started (around 19:20) my father then went and telephone some of my grandmother's relatives in Wales. Although this conversation lasted about 20 minutes it could be summed up in four simple words; "The plan has failed." So I find it hard to believe that the Brits are still managing to convince anyone that this is anything other then a kill mission.

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