Monday 18 July 2011

Thick and Fast.

That's probably the best way to describe how events in the phone hacking scandal are unfolding at the moment. The most recent development came at around 19:00 when it was publicly announced that former News of the World showbiz reporter, Sean Hoare had been found dead at his home in Watford although he was actually discovered by Hertfordshire police about 12 hours previously. Britain is now trying to portray Mr Hoare as a whistle blower who played a major role in uncovering the phone hacking scandal. What they're less keen to have known is that Mr Hoare was also a morbidly obese middle aged man who'd been sacked by the News of the World due to a serious and unresolved drink and drug problem.

So what I think we're looking at here is a fat man dying only for Britain to overplay his role in uncovering the phone hacking scandal in the hope of starting rumours that he'd been the victim of a Dr David Kelly style assisted suicide. This is because Britain is now very seriously concerned about it's role at the United Nations post-Libya. Like a lot of people they think that if the United States were to remove it's patronage then Britain would be very swiftly removed from the Security Council and possibly the entire organisation.

For their part the United States Justices Department have today (18/7/11) let it be known that they are liaising with Britain's Serious Fraud Office over the phone hacking scandal. As the US Justice Department would have access to the recordings of telephone conversations which allegedly show senior figures within the British government and the Notting Hill Housing Trust (NHHT) colluding to arrange the Langdale Road murder of July 1st you would think this liaison would lead to a very interesting conversation. It won't. The US Justice Department are just using the two issues to once again pressurise the British legal system to allow the use of so called intercept evidence in the trials of Islamic terrorist suspects.

So nearly ten years after the 9/11 attacks the US security services still haven't regained their sense of perspective which sort means that Osama bin Laden is still winning and he's been dead for three months.

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