Tuesday 19 July 2011

Can You Feel the Excitement,

Because it's nearly showtime!

Later today (19/7/11) Rupert Murdoch, James Murdoch and Rebekah Brooks will appear in front of the Parliamentary select committee for culture, media and sport to answer questions about the phone hacking scandal. As the select committee only really has the power to call people before it and ask them questions this is likely to be more circus then serious. However lots of people will be watching to see how the Murdochs and Ms Brooks answer the MP's questions. If it was me I would just answer every question with the simple phrase;

"On my solicitors advice I respectfully decline to answer that question at this time."

That's because this phrase is the only safe way to answer questions from the British police after the scandal over the 1993 Stephen Lawrence murder was exploited to remove the right to silence (5th amendment to the US constitution basically). That scandal was also exploited to do away with the principle of Double Jeopardy which prevents the state from prosecuting the same person for the same crime over and over again no matter how many times they're found to be innocent. Curiously though after all those changes and 18 years still no-one has been brought to justice for the murder. Not even all those corrupt police officers to helped to cover it up.

Anyway I hope today is all you want it to be because I'll be using the time to do something productive like going to the supermarket.

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