Monday 14 November 2011

Title to Be Inserted Shoirtly.

22:45 14?11?11.

22:47 and I've still not seen Casablanca which is what I was planning to do today (14/11/11). My actual 30th Birthday (tomorrow) is reserved for drink, drugs, drink and violence. Followed by more drugs, more drink and then some lying down.

Although now I've had time to reflect I've realised that there's one thing - which might, be important to some - that I've not commented on. My father and his reaction to all this. That is something that is hard for me to comment on for two main reasons; Firstly I don't really know because I've spent most of the evening hiding in the gym/pub/office/third plot of land with planning permission for residential use that's sort of in my garden. Secondly experience tells me that he'll stab me in the back rather then put anything down in writing.

However I think it's a statement of fact that he recieved a copy of Croydon University Hospital's (CUH) submission to the Court of Protection (COP) on Saturday (12/11/11) and read through it while I was in another county. I assume he did so without legal advice (currently 22:58) because his legal advice "retired" in mid-2010. However as I'm sure my neighbours and anyone with a spy satelite has already testified I've not been shouted at yet 23:01

Edited again at 23:02 - around 23:21 on 14/11/11 to add:
F*ck you all I've got a Johnny Cash album dedicated to me!

Edited again at 23:36 on 14/11/11 to add: Because I'm Popeye - the f*cking sailor man!

The upshot of all this that because my grandmother has already been admitted (duty of care) to Albany Lodge I don't have to get up offensively early in the morning to fax off my latest COP9s and COP24s to the Court of Protection because I don't think this shift's finishing before 03:00. As a result I have more then enough time (23:40) to clear up the alphabet soup in my post before the last two;

DSMIV stands for the 4th edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual. Accepted by the World Health Organisation (WHO) this is considered the bible/torah/qu'ran of the psychiatric community in the developed world although some totalitarian regimes still refuse to recongise it (23:44). They are currently (00:06) reviewing submissons for the 5th edition but you wouldn't expect a sad old drunk to know that.

Edited Again at 00:23 on 15/11/11 to add: My computer froze. Of course my ex-cat has a Johnny Cash song (1999/3). Not by the great man himself you understand it's just I though "The Beast In Me" was appropriate. Personally I've just been listening to the same P!nk song (2003/03) over and over again.

Edited Again at 00:49 on 15/11/11 to add:

No my computer is Royally F*cked (slow). Every time I try to edit my photo-album I am presented with an image of a camera as if to remind me that although there are currently about 490,000 pictures of me a my mother's big gay wedding I can't access a single one of the them. As a result you can all see that I ended my most recent submission to the COP with the words;

"Although I am not sure if this is the correct place to do so I would also like to state that I have no objection to Mrs [name] being transferred to Albany Lodge provided that CUH are prepared to continue their duty of care her. My concern is that if she is discharged before being properly diagnosed she may well be forced to live out the rest of her life suffering an easily treated medical condition."

On reflection I agree that "easily treated medical condition" could mean HIV/AIDS, dementia or botulism even if none of them are particularly believable.

Anyway while I'll agree that along with perverting the course of justice contempt of court is serious offence it appears to me that Anders Behring Breivik has had another court appearance yesterday (14/11/11). According to the COP submissions that I and the Norwegian government have been reading recently rather then showing shame Britain has been exacerbating the situation by hoping a leprechaun will be leaping out of the pot of golden grief at the end of the rainbow.

After a quick read through and the god given spell check I can now (01:25) confirm that the Australian band is playing the Kentish Town Waltz and the area in the quotation marks (" ") is a direct quote. Now (01:26) can I get on with my life?

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