Wednesday 9 November 2011

Look At Me! I'm So Important(!)

I know that there is a student fees demonstration going on in London, the Greek Prime Minister has been given an important address to the nation and the Italian economic situation has taken a turn for the worse. However at the moment I can only really comment on what's happening right in front of my face.

My father has returned from the hospital and it's fair to say he's less then happy. So unhappy in fact he is currently refusing to tell me where my grandmother is. However I gather that she is still in Croydon University Hospital (CUH) because he is accusing me of preventing her receiving the necessary level of care. Of course he can't currently verbalise what sort of extra care she would recieve at a residential nursing home that she wouldn't receive on a medical ward staffed 24 hours a day in a building with it's own trauma unit, intensive care unit, surgical unit and medical imaging equipment.

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