Saturday 12 November 2011

I Have Returned.

There is no need for applause, medals or ticker tape parades. In the end it was actually quite sedate.

Planned engineering works that I'd foolishly failed to learn about meant that trains weren't running between Croydon and Brighton. Instead they terminated at Haywards Heath where all passengers were transferred onto a rail replacement bus service. Fortunately this gave my professional driver mate the perfect excuse to drive up to Haywards Heath to pick me up. After a quick trip to a pub in Hove we all decided that we were all far too tired for outside so instead went back to his place to watch the England V Spain (1-0) football game while eating pizza. As this caused my mates girlfriend to fall asleep my mate jumped at the chance to drive me back to Croydon via Crystal Palace where we had a few beers. So today (12/11/11) I've actually spent most of the day sitting in something of a fast car rather then a pub.

As a result when I returned home about 22:30 I was more then sober enough to skim read the 22 page submission that Croydon University Hospital (CUH) had made to the Court of Protection (COP) through their solicitors ( As this is still a sealed proceeding I can't tell you what was in it. I can though tell you what was not in it. That is a COP9 application to have the section 49 order lifted. So you know they care but they don't care that much.

I must say I'm still quite annoyed that this secrecy order is in place. For example if my grandmothers MMSE (memory test) score had risen from 9/30 to 17/30 I think a lot of people would be interested to know that detail because 30/30 is what you're aiming for even if I was unlikely to score that highly at this present moment.

Anyway I'm hoping my mate makes it home safe. Not out of any concern for his driving you understand. It's just that the local "Sussex" police were making right a*seholes out of themselves on his estate as we left.

Edited at about 23:55 on 12/11/11 to add: I'm now currently re-reading the submission to allow every letter of the legal nuance to soak through my pores. The first thing I realised was that I should change my earlier mistake and correct the name of CUH's lawyers from the incorrect Copsticks to the correct Capsticks but I turns out I was right first time. Therefore all I can think of saying is Chop Sticks.

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