Wednesday 9 November 2011

Riot Police on the Streets of London.

And me back at the Court of Protection. It's almost as if the last year didn't happen. I wonder if that excuse will work at my next birthday?

Despite the police threatening to use baton rounds and sending intimidating letters to people who'd attended previous demonstrations today (9/11/11) around 4000 students gathered in London to march in protest against rises to tuition fees and plans to privatise universities. They were met by 4000 police officers in riot gear who contained the march in a mobile cordon as it made it's way from the University of London Union on Malet street to a rally at London Metropolitan University. A small group were able to escape the police cordon and set up a protest camp at Trafalgar Square but away from the TV cameras they were swiftly arrested.

The police have ordered the rally to end at 16:00 so at 15:50 we're waiting to see if the protesters will leave and what action the police will take if they refuse.

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