Wednesday 2 November 2011

Bad News For The Greek.

Although Britain won't be in attendance until tomorrow (3/11/11) the G20 Summit began this evening with the Greek Prime Minister being summoned to explain his plans for a referendum. It would be inappropriate for me to comment on the actual issue at this time. However in the code Greece as always is Britain and the referendum is Britain's mistaken belief that the situation with my grandmother is negotiable. In an effort to assist Britain by getting the discussion of consequences moving the French headed IMF froze Greek assets due to the referendum. In response the Chinese Premier snubbed the French President by forcing him to stand out in the cold for ten minutes. The International Criminal Court (ICC) noted that attempts at negotiating are still ongoing and referred to Britain as my junior.

At the time of the meeting the City of London Corporation played the dirty trick of informing the Occupylsx protesters that they will not face legal action until January 2011 but failed to officially announce it. As a result the G20 strongly suggested that no attempt is made to transfer my grandmother and the inevitable Court of Protection (COP) injunction that will bring until December 4th - after the COP17 Summit.

So it's no surprise then that British Cabinet Office minister Francis Maude spent the entire afternoon telling every TV camera that would listen that public sector workers including health care workers need to understant that "this is the only offer on the table and there must be no strikes in November." Unfortunately most of those people would have been at work at the time and missed the comments that were not shown on the evening news. Surely then it would have been a better idea to simply telephone the Chief Executive of the hospital or just impose the intervention order.

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